Areas of Expertise

Creative Direction
Branding & Identity
Packaging, Signage & Design for Print
Marketing & Customer Engagement

Since graduating in 2022, I have worked as the sole In-House designer for a large contract catering business. In this role I am responsible for maintaining and developing the company brand, for designing all marketing, signage, menus, promotional events, and concepts - for over 150+ location. As well as this full-time role, I run my own Etsy store where I sell my designs on stickers and as posters, and I freelance as both a multimedia Graphic Designer and a Creative Director working on a range of projects, from entire magazines to in-app advertisements, to restaurant menus and dog-grooming brands.

I love making things, testing out new ideas and absorbing about as much design as I can handle. I live and breathe to create. Outside of graphic design, I am a keen wood-turner, a half-decent photographer, a rugby fan and (casual) cyclist.
